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ML.NET 1.0 RC Announced. What does it mean?

Microsoft has already announced a new the ML.NET 1.0 RC (Release Candidate) (version 1.0.0-preview). This is going to be the last version before the final ML.NET 1.0 in Q2 of 2019. It means soon we will be able to use machine learning with C# using a stable version of the library.
It seems that in the 95% of the functionality in RC is going to be a part of the stable 1.0 version. Nevertheless, some of the packages will remain in the review even after release.
These packages are:
  • TensorFlow components
  • Onnx components
  • TimeSeries components
  • Recommendadtions components
The full list of the preview packages here.

In this release (ML.NET 1.0 RC) Microsoft has initially concluded main API changes and for the next sprint, they are planning to focusing on documentation and samples improvements and also addressing major critical issues if needed.

I want to believe that their goal is to avoid any new breaking changes moving forward. And it all good news for those, who wanted to start use machine learning without changing their favorite language. Based on the list of changes now is a good time to start learning and preparing integrations.

Also in RC release were fixed problems with the use of TensorFlow models, that were introduced in version 0.11. You can check out additional release notes for 1.0 RC here.
You can find a list of other breaking changes here.

Get ready for ML.NET 1.0 before it releases! Next resources will be useful for going further:


  1. Great Blog! HASHCRON Technologies Software developers typically do the following: Analyze users' needs and then design and develop software to meet those needs. Recommend software upgrades for customers' existing programs and systems. Design each piece of an application or system and plan how the pieces will work together.


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